Trompete - Lektion 2: Der erste Ton / Ansatz Leo Borchard Musikschule 2:46 4 years ago 31 577 Далее Скачать
Strengthen Approach | 5 exercises for APPROACH DEVELOPMENT | build strength in a meaningful way | 🎺 Trompetentraining by Nico Leikam 9:59 3 years ago 25 208 Далее Скачать
Mundstück richtig ansetzen | wie sollte das MUNDSTÜCK auf der Lippe sitzen? | Tipps und Tricks Trompetentraining by Nico Leikam 4:24 3 years ago 22 689 Далее Скачать
Trompete für Anfänger - Erste C Töne Übung mit Haltung, und Lippen erklärt Elizabeth Fairey 5:18 1 year ago 19 982 Далее Скачать
Train high tones and strengthen your embouchure | Practice muscles and control | Trumpet training 💪 Trompetentraining by Nico Leikam 5:44 1 year ago 3 072 Далее Скачать
Trompete lernen: 3 Schritte zur optimalen Mundstück-Position 2:29 8 years ago 119 098 Далее Скачать
Training approach and strength | Trumpet training together | Play the trumpet better 🎺 Trompetentraining by Nico Leikam 5:00 11 months ago 1 860 Далее Скачать
curl lips | Switch approach and reshape | Train altitude and endurance | this is how it works 🎺 Trompetentraining by Nico Leikam 4:05 2 years ago 6 278 Далее Скачать
Ansatz umstellen | Wieso kann ich nicht mehr hoch spielen? | richtige Mundstückposition | Trompetentraining by Nico Leikam 4:12 3 years ago 8 554 Далее Скачать
Trompete lernen: Richtige Position des Mundstücks (trumpet embouchure and mouthpiece placement) TrompeteLernSystem 1:00 10 years ago 107 071 Далее Скачать
curl lips, why? | Easier to play high and improve stamina! | Tips for your approach Trompetentraining by Nico Leikam 5:35 2 years ago 29 874 Далее Скачать
Mundstück auf die Lippen platzieren mit Buzzing Übung Elizabeth Fairey 0:20 3 years ago 9 653 Далее Скачать
The approach must hold in height | Attack position for high notes | Attachment muscles for high tone Trompetentraining by Nico Leikam 5:17 2 years ago 3 060 Далее Скачать
Lip buzz made easy! | This is how you learn to buzz | Train approach and loosen lips 🎺 Trompetentraining by Nico Leikam 3:14 2 years ago 3 001 Далее Скачать
Trompetenkurs: Ansatz und Atmung (trumpet embouchure and breathing) TrompeteLernSystem 1:43 10 years ago 34 334 Далее Скачать
Problems with approach and persistence? | Help for your approach muscles! | Change approach 💡 Trompetentraining by Nico Leikam 10:43 2 years ago 17 876 Далее Скачать
Chin down, why? | simply explained | This is how you can practice it! | Optimize approach 👍 Trompetentraining by Nico Leikam 4:33 3 years ago 6 505 Далее Скачать